Acupressure is technique similar to acupuncture, only without the needles! The same acupoints are used on the body, but instead of using needles to stimulate and move the Qi (the energies in our body), pressure is applied using a hand, an elbow, or a tool. This modality is thought to have been created in China over 5,000 ago. It was taken to Japan and spread to India and Thailand, where it took on the uniqueness of those countries and became specialties in their own right. Shiatsu, for example, was developed in Japan. Today, Acupressure is practiced the world over, from rural villages to mainstream hospitals.
While Acupressure can be utilized to treat many of the same symptoms and illnesses that acupuncture does, it is not considered to be as medically effective as acupuncture. A skilled practitioner can still affect a significant and profound change in the body, however.
~ Reduces blood pressure
~ Increases mental and spiritual awareness
~ Treatment of chronic disorders and illnesses
~ Helps reduce labor pains Increases energy
~ Helps maintain regular menstrual patterns
~ Stress reduction Relaxation
As with any type of body work, there are things to be cautious of. There are certain diseases that acupressure not appropriate for. Instances of acute inflammation, skin or infectious diseases, hemophilia and severe hypertension are some examples.
Acupressure should not be used when a person is under the influence of drugs or alcohol. There are certain points that should not be used on a patient that is pregnant.
It is very important that there be open communication between the patient and the practitioner. Making him or her aware of your state of health as well as speaking up if the pressure is too strong, will ensure that you have a positive experience.
Acupressure is safe an effective tool when used by a skilled therapist. It is an excellent introduction to the world of acupuncture, and for those who are uncertain of needles, it is a very satisfying alternative.
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