Moxa means to burn. This treatment uses the herb mugwort (artemesia vulgaris) that may be burned on a slice of ginger or on salt, on the handle of a needle, directly on the skin or indirectly above the skin. The burning of mugwort is used to warm an acupuncture point, to quicken the healing process
What are the benefits of Moxibustion?
Traditionally, Moxibustion was used on people who have a cold or stagnant condition. It is believed to expel cold and warm the meridians, which leads to smoother flow of blood and qi. In Western medicine, Moxibustion is used successfully to turn breech babies around prior to childbirth.
Moxibustion used in conjunction with acupuncture can be very effective for many conditions such as muscle stiffness, back pain, headaches, tendonitis, arthritis, digestive disorders, anxiety, menstrual cramps, irregular periods, and infertility.
Are there cautions to using Moxibustion?
Direct Moxibustion can lead to slight pain, blistering and/or scarring of the skin. For people with respiratory conditions, the smoke produced from Moxibustion can be irritating.
Moxibustion has been used safely and successfully for many centuries, to speed healing and promote a healthy body.
Different applications of Moxabustion:
At East Hawaii Acupuncture, I utilize a special modality called “Ginger Moxa”. Please refer to the separate description for more information.
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